10 questions requiring answers as the nation heads into free fall
You have important questions.
To be an active participant in this experiment called “surviving in the USA,” you’ll need answers.
- How do you survive the pandemic?
- How do you thrive in this disrupted economy?
- Who’s in charge of fixing this mess?
- How do we make your city crisis-proof?
- Which so-called leaders are destroying your future?
- How do you fix a national nightmare on the local level?
- Who’s making sure our grandparents and all elders are OK?
- How are all our kids doing through this crisis?
- How can technology help us humans?
- What can you do — today — to be part of the solution?
Fight! Survive! Thrive!
Please excuse any typos as I construct an article at 3am on only one cup of Joe. These stories are mine and mine alone. I do not represent any organization here. If one of my illustrations looks like a real human or three-headed hydra, that’s total coincidence. Words and images ©Dominic Cappello but share with everyone you know. Questions? The groundbreaking graphic novel and manifesto Attack of the Three-Headed Hydras awaits you here: www.tenvitalservices.org.