City Hall in a Pandemic: 3 actions to take to avoid 3 really terrible outcomes
No Hospital Beds
We don’t want ambulances with sick people waiting outside hospitals for hours because there are no beds available — all because we did not enforce prudent prevention efforts and build the capacity of health care providers.
No Food Security
We don’t want long lines for food pantries and shelters because we did not address the growing food insecurity as business closures and joblessness increased.
No Housing Security
We don’t want our public parks turned into tent cities (as they did in the crash of 2008) because we didn’t have a plan to support our most vulnerable residents, many homeless with untreated mental health challenges.
Empower Leadership in Vital Sectors
We do want our city’s leaders in daily communication with the City Directors of Housing Security, Food Security, Medical Care, Mental Health, Education, Child Safety, Jobs and Community Policing — all engaged in ensuring vital services during the pandemic and economic free fall.
Align Actions To Ensure Care
We do want our city’s leaders in daily communication with the City Manager, County Manager, the Governor’s Office and State Public Health to ensure all work is being done in alignment, with data-driven strategies, to create a system of safety and care that serves all city and county residents.
Communicate And Invite Dialogue
We do want our city’s leaders in weekly communication with the public to provide updates on progress being made to ensure all residents have the vital services for surviving and thriving — as colliding crises unfold.
If you wonder how a government ensures the safety and health* of its people, see: New Zealand’s response to COVID-19. They are one society, among many, who have a plan and make people’s health the priority.
*The future is what we make it. Join the evolution.
Please excuse any typos as I construct an article at 3am on only one cup of Joe. These stories are mine and mine alone. I do not represent any organization here. If one of my illustrations looks like a real human or three-headed hydra, that’s total coincidence. Words and images ©Dominic Cappello but share with everyone you know. Questions? The Plan Forward awaits you here: