Cruz López and son Zaiden sketch a hydra, based on the book Attack of the Three-Headed Hydras.

Española muralists create a strong message for the community: “100% can thrive” and “No three-headed hydra can stop us.”

Dominic Cappello
4 min readMay 16, 2021

Diego López is an artist, filmmaker and director of the nonprofit Hands Across Cultures. He and his circle of artists have a message of hope and empowerment for all their neighbors in the small town of Española, New Mexico, “Now is the time to solve our challenges with imagination and collaboration.”

Diego found inspiration for his mural in the books Attack of the Three-Headed Hydras: Confronting Apathy, Envy and Fear on the road to saving the humans and future and 100% Community: Ensuring 10 vital services for surviving and thriving. (Yes, hyrdras have three heads called Apathy, Envy and Fear. These are people in power protecting a broken status quo and blocking innovation and progress.)

Diego and his brother Cruz López, also a gifted artist, mobilized their friends and families to create the pop-up mural project downtown. The event also served as a mentoring event for young future muralists. The talented López brothers are now getting requests from other counties across New Mexico to help them with their mural projects, creating a message that brings communities together.

100% of our families can thrive.

Diego and friends Desiree and Dom on a break from painting.
Many generations of artists are sharing an urgent message about their community. Artist Jose Benjamin López adds detail work to a superhero as the mural nears its completion.
The hydra head called Apathy. He says he cares but he truly doesn’t.
Hydra head two: Envy (You know the type.)
Here we have Fear. He acts out and tries to ruin everything and everyone.
Fighting back.
Heroes come in all shapes and sizes.
The three-headed hydra vs. local superheroes.

Celebrate Art

Celebrate the muralists and community on June 12. Mural Unveiling with Artists: 5–5:30pm, corner of Paseo De Oñate and Calle Espinosa. Two blocks down from the Plaza. At the Park and Ride Lot. Artists’ Reception: 5:30–7pm. Ken’z Cuisine (Blue Heron), 100 Los Alamos Hwy, Española. Two block stroll from the mural. For more information about the 100% mural project in Española, including the celebration of muralists reception Saturday, June 12, please contact Diego López:

Visualize! Mobilize! Thrive!

Please excuse any typos as I construct an article at 3am on only one cup of joe. These stories are mine and mine alone. I do not represent any organization here. All cartoon characters are pure fiction and any resemblance to real humans or three-headed hydras is total coincidence. Words and images ©Dominic Cappello but share with everyone you know. Questions? Push to front of reading list: 100% Community: Ensuring 10 vital services for surviving and thriving and Attack of the Three-Headed Hydras: Confronting Apathy, Envy and Fear on the road to saving humans and the future. Better yet, let‘s meet at the EYE bookcafe to share a latte and some bold ideas.



Dominic Cappello
Dominic Cappello

Written by Dominic Cappello

A NY Times bestselling author, social justice activist, Oprah guest, co-author of The 100% Community Model and Anna, Age Eight.

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