Waking up on a Sunday to a new reality. What happened while we slept?
I read the Sunday “news” so you don’t have to (and add handy action steps)
In a previous life, my favorite part of the week was Sunday when I would buy the print version of The New York Times and spread it out across my tiny studio apartment in Manhattan. It took hours to consume and I relished every minute. By the time I was finished, four cups of coffee and two toasted bagels with cream cheese later, I felt as though I could plan my week as a well-informed and socially-engaged member of society.
Today, in Santa Fe, I just hope to wake up to discover that there’s running water, electricity and wifi. I still wish to be informed on events across town and the planet, with a focus on the pandemic, economic free fall and protests calling for social justice. I do my best to gather different perspectives—from local to global insights.
My process is simple. One: Pour a cup of Joe. Two: Cut and paste the headlines from each website (only big and bold type “above the fold” with photos that scream “look at me because you need to know this right now”). Three: Create action steps if merited.
The Guardian (US Edition)
- Trump claims Fauci ‘wrong’ about cause of surge in infections
- Australia state of Victoria declares disaster as Melbourne put under curfew
- The painful truth about COVID and the economy-Trump is to blame
- Bolivia: Bolivians driven from pillar to post as hospitals overwhelmed
Action Steps: Work to elect sane president and all elected lawmakers. Take Melbourne and La Paz off my travel bucket list.
FOX News
- COOKED RICE? Ex-Obama aide’s Benghazi baggage, F-bombs may spoil her Biden VP chances, writer claims
- Impeachment witness slams Trump in op-ed, says US values under great threat
- Texas city commissioner killed after attack on girlfriend, 4-year-old boy
- Police, protesters clash amid warnings of ‘armed’ building invaders
- Hannity says he has a ‘five-alarm fire’ in his heart over possible Biden presidency
Action Steps: See why “building invaders” who turn out to be people watching protests from rooftops are headline news.
NY Times
- Body Bags and Enemy Lists: How Far-Right Police Officers and Ex-Soldiers Planned for ‘Day X’
- After Plummeting, the Virus Soars Back in the Midwest
- Tammy Duckworth Is Nothing and Everything Like Joe Biden
- Biden Faces Pressure From Leftover Influence Industry Ties
Action Steps: Read Duckworth’s voting record. Review COVID-19 and unemployment rates in the midwest, seek innovative strategies being proposed by their state’s governors (if any).
Santa Fe Journal
- Santa Fe High basketball star killed in shooting
- Wineries win reprieve with governors new health order
- Santa Fe police issue warning on car break-ins at trailheads
- New MexiCann marijuana dispensary expanding to Cordova road
- Cowboys for Trump leader: Trump campaign distancing from us
- As pressure builds, progress comes in virus relief talks
- Foreign threats loom ahead of U.S presidential election
Action Steps: Research the background story on the shooting, including the bio of the well-liked and respected victim and the person arrested and charged, a 16-year-old. Note: Shooting took place around 3:30 a.m. during a fight at a party in the tiny community of Chupadero in Santa Fe County. Gather data on youth fatalities as this is the fourth area high school student or recent graduate to be killed in recent months.
Albuquerque Journal
- Santa Fe hoops star shot dead
- Heart patient and wife succumb to COVID-19
- Qualified immunity under fire
- Question 1: Where his civil rights violated
- New Mexico reports 210 new cases; 9 deaths
Action Steps: Check COVID-19 rates and trends in all 33 counties, along with hospital bed capacity. Continue research seeking reliable data on co-factors for COVID-19 fatalities. Note: CDC website lists conditions that put people of all ages at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19.
YouTube (Trending today)
- I ate the world’s largest pizza
- How many weighted blankets until I can’t get up
- Queen Naija — Pack Lite (Official Music Video)
Action Steps: preorder chicken and olives gluten-free crust pizza for dinner
Tomorrow’s Sneak Preview: New rules of dating in the wake of the pandemic
*The future is what we make it. Join the evolution.
Please excuse any typos as I construct an article at 3am on only one cup of Joe. These stories are mine and mine alone. I do not represent any organization here. If one of my illustrations looks like a real human, bagels or three-headed hydra, that’s total coincidence. Words and images ©Dominic Cappello but share with everyone you know. Questions? The Plan Forward awaits you here: www.tenvitalservices.org